The Treacherous Adventures of Tiger Lee's move to the bay of Gasparilla.

View of back of store from parking lot, still waiting fer front windows to be put in n' wall mural to be painted against side of store.

There alway be some scurvy dog trying to steal all yar hard earned dubloons. Well it turns out this wench named Ms. Bennett, uses a business broker to steal all my trade secrets through a ruse. She told me not to tell anyone of the sale. This be the reason why I didn't notify my customer earlier. She backs out at the last moment and signs a lease with the landlord, so she can steal all my loyal customers without paying her dues.

I have spent alot of effort building a business through a depressed economy. I ask all my friend to support me by Boycotting the opening Streg's Pirate Shop in my old address in St Augustine.



This be arrrr 26th issue of the Pirate Fashions Newsletter for Jan 2013. In transfer the old website to the new one, we had issues transferring the newsletter. So we be reposing the feature article into this blog instead of losing all the past newsletters.

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