Pirate News

The Pairing of Pirates N' Mermaids

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Pirates n' mermaids have an extenisve history of bein' associated with each other- I think because both love the sea, one lives on top of it n' the other live below it. There have been the many myths of siren's calling sailors to their death. These tails have been around fer a long time, n' it seems like with most stories, the longer the time frame the stronger belief in the myth. Pirates n' mermaids make fer some great storytelling. Half of all Pirate Festivals now feature mermaids, n' most Renaissance Festivals feature days fer pirates n' mermaids. It seems that the future holds even more oppertunity fer pirates n' mermaids, as mermaiding as a hobby and career has become more accessible n' popular.


We as a Krewe also have a long history with mermaids. In 2013 Tiger featured a mermaid in his Hot Pirate Babes calendar. We also created Sirena Roger, the little sister of Molly Roger, n' she has has become one of arrr most popular women's t-shirt designs. During the black plague, Tiger n' the Krewe built a tiny pirate boat n' named her the Golden Mermaid. As Tiger made his move to the Azore islands to start his retirement business that focuses on longivity fer single senior, he decided to name the house the Vila of the Golden Mermaid after his boat, which he plans to take with him when the time is right. As pirates we arrrr always looking fer the Fountain of Youth- hopefully with Tiger's new facilities he's found every Old Seadog's ultimate goal- good health n' a grand time (n' maybe some mermaids.)

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Selling Black Powder Firearms No More!

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Here be arrrr declaration that Pirate Fashions will no longer be selling Black Powder Firearms after we unload the last few weapons left in the armoury. So, if ye have always wanted one, now is the time to pull the trigger.


There be a number of reasons fer this important decision, but our two most pressing reasons be:
1) The husiness insurance cost for selling weapons has skyrocketed lately. Black powder weapons arrrrr the most expensive item we sell, but it has the lowest margin of all the items we sell.
2) As Tiger set out on another venture, he decided to simplify the day-to-day business operation so that the staff can run Pirate Fashions more efficiently. Black powder weapons with a warrantee require the most amount of support for the item with the least amount of profit n' at the end of the day, Tiger n' his gunsmith arrr the most proficient when it comes to
answering many of the question regaurding the Black Powder Weapons. We do not wish to sell pistols without proficient support available post-sale.

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Who's Taking Over the Ship?

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I know you all want to know more about who's taking over the ship n' what lies on the horizon, so here be some details about the two primary mates at the helm.


Devil May Come (Devin)


Florida born and raised, I grew up with a family that emphasized that doing what was ‘typical’ isn't the only choice: my parents encouraged my artistic endeavors and instead of team sports I dabbled in activities like fencing, archery, and horseback.  I spent my summers working with a blacksmith shop and printmaking, and later had a brief stint with stage combat at a medieval faire.  Enthralled by art and history, it became my goal in life was to ensure that I was able to put my hard earned artistic skill to use as a professional. 


After college I tried a few odd jobs, but in 2019 I found my place in Pirate Fashions as a shop assistant.  I quickly got involved in the leather department and eventually found myself managing the Leather Workshop while still assisting with the store floor and online sales.  During quarantine I self-taught myself how to program and use the CNC mill at work, and assisted Tiger on his Tiny Pirate Boat project.  Time flew by and eventually found myself managing the entire store.


With Captain Tiger Lee’s departure I have had some plans for new products and events in the works, as well as new ways to reach out to customers.  Trust that with my team and our years of experience here at Pirate Fashions, we will continue to provide customers with the service and garb that everyone has come to love but find ways to make the experience of shopping with us better than ever before.


Gypsy the Purser (Laurana)


I grew up in Alaska, where I spent my summers fishing and berry picking, and was a senior Corps de Ballet member at the Anchorage Ballet Company.  I was a skydiver with over 350 logged jumps, and have been sewing costumes for myself and others, as well as  attending costume conventions and Renaissance festivals my whole life.


Being down on my luck after the big housing crisis, in 2010 I  turned to a life of piracy as “Gypsy the Sailmaker”, where I set up our first sewing department in St. Augustine, FL, fondly deemed “The Sweatshop”, where I designed and sewed  clothing for Pirate Fashions.  In 2015, when Pirate Fashions moved to Tampa, I took over the accounting and have been the Purser of Pirate Fashions since that time.


We have an amazing Krewe here and we will continue to bring Pirate Fashions to even higher levels of success, with new products in the works, new social media ideas, and other exciting projects coming up.  I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us!

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Tiger be shipping off to the Isles of Sao Miguel!

Tiger Lee be embarking on his next endeavor, crafting an ideal retirement business on the Portuguese islands in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean called the Azores. He be creating a place where an olde pirate can live out their golden years, away from the chaos of the modern world. Fer more info on The Vila of the Golden Mermaid, visit: Solo Senior Coliving.

So what will happen to Pirate Fashions? No worries, the Captain be selling the business to the Loyal Krewe of Pirate Fashions. It will be a 12 year transitition to a Employee Owned Trust. Tiger Lee be coming back 3 times a year fer one month at a time fer the first few years, then will slowly wean himself away.

Devil May Come, the first mate, be taking hold of the helm with Gypsy the Purser at her side. The entire krewe be well trained to take over, as there be little turnover in arrrr tight knit band of scallywags.

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Pirate Fashions First Annual Formal Ball

The first annual Pirate Fashions Formal Ball was a grand success! All who attended where finely dressed in their pirate best, n' we danced the night away to the tune of Rusty Cutlass with Caribbean Pearl orchestrating 3 period dances of the Black Nag, Virgina Reel n' the Spanish Waltz. The dance rehersals prepared many fer these dances, but there was still much silly antics n' fumbled steps keepin' the mood light on the dancefloor. Wild Rover provided amazing food n' great service to our attendees, n' we have many photos we're currently editing to be released in batches though or social media, so any who be interested keep a keen eye peeled fer posted by Pirate Fashions on Facebook. Anyone who may have attended can reach out n' forward any photos they have posted so we can share them on our page. We heard from many couples that they can't wait until next years ball, which we already have in the works!

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How Real Is It? Pirate Historian Rates 8 Pirate Battles in Movies & TV.


I just watched Rebecca Simon, a piracy Historian, rate pirate battles for realism as part of the Business Insider's YouTube series "How Real Is It". They have hundreds of topics they cover, such as how real are submarine movies. A while back I was contacted because Buisness Insider wanted to use a small segment of one of my Youtube videos on how to load and fire a flintlock pistol.

Overall the video is pretty good n' most of the information be correct, but not all of it; At one point Simon notes cutlasses being made for poking n' not slashing, which isn't quite accurate as that is much more true of rapiers than of cutlasses n' hangers. Despite some of the scewed information n' ratings I don't fully agree with, Simon is a well established historian within the community n' has many publications, including books and articles. I personally also think Buisness Insider could of used much better props for discussing the topic, instead of the cheap Elope foam hats and wall hanger swords.

In this video Simon covers Pirates of the Caribbean, Black Sails, House of Dragon, Treasure Island, Our Flag Means Dead, n' One Piece.


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Dolly Parton's Pirate Vovage in Florida

I have watched the Pirate Voyage Dinner in Myrtle Beach several times. I would say that it be the finest live pirate show out there.  Pirate Fashions have even provided some props n' clothing fer their fine show.  Dolly Parton opened a second on in Pigeon Forge a few years ago as well. They just broke ground on the third location at Pier Park in Panama City Beach in May 2025. Dolly said the show will feature pirates, mermaids, exciting acrobatics, pyrotechnics and even a few songs she wrote.

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Introduction of the Lady Pirate Court Gown

After 6 years of stop n' start development, it finally be available. The Formal Lady Pirate Court Gown Outfit be perfect fer any formal event of the 18th century.  It be made up of many components, with the Custom Ladies Formal Gown being the key. Decide if you want to color coordinate with your partner. You can have many different looks by changing your stomachers, petticoat n' accessories. There be 3 styles to wear this gown: Spanish, French or Polish.

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