Join The Dueling Society in Tampa

Avast all ye Gentalmen n' Ladies of high society, Pirate Fashions be holding a Dueling Society Meeting. Instead of thee standard pub crawl, we be doin' something different! This be a grand excuse to wear yar new pirate outfit, meet other rogues n' wenches, have a grand olde time n' learn a bit of history, arrrrgh!

The first sunday of each month, we be meetin' fer dinner at 6:30pm at a different Tampa Bay area restaurant. We'll be playing some pyratical game during dinner, when an argument will arise that demands a satifaction. The duel will occur immediatly after dinner at a separate secret location. We will re-enact an actually historical duel, each month will be a different type of duel, such as: pistols, swords, knifes, English, French, Western. You must sign up onMeet Up before the event. Come to dinner in 16-19th century period clothing to watch the duel afterwards fer a engaging night of frolicking fun. You can drop by the store before diner if ye be need an outfit.

Date: Sunday, June 2, 2013, 6:30pm
Location: Miquel's Mexican Seafood & Grill, 3035 W. Kennedy Blvd, Tampa, FL 33609
Cost: Buck-an-ear (that be $2 fer ye land lubber), no includin' dinner



This be arrrr 31st issue of the Pirate Fashions Newsletter for Jun 2013. In transfer the old website to the new one, we had issues transferring the newsletter. So we be reposing the feature article into this blog instead of losing all the past newsletters.

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