The Pirate Fashions Flogger

The Pirate Fashions Flogger

To ensure discipline on-board a ship, the British Royal Navy would frequently use a Flogger to literally whip the lads into shape! Floggers utilized multiple strips o' knotted leather to flay flesh from bone as a form o' punishment. Naturally freedom lovin' pirates scorned such tools as most had been on the receivin' end of such brutality.

Also naturally, there be a certain kinky quality to a good ol' flogging with the right materials! We created Arrr own floggers made with softened strips o' leather that be perfect for yar own fantasies n' bedroom antics! Pirate Fashion's Floggers be both safe, fun n' accessible for beginners or the most seasoned scourges o' backs n' booties!

Learn how to use such tools from Cap'n Tiger Lee himself!

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