Pirate News

Introducing the Pirate Plunder Show

On Sept 19, 2020, Talk Like a Pirate Day, we broadcast our very first live shopping event.  It went well so Pirate Fashions will begin hosting our 45 to 60 minute Pirate Plunder Live Streaming Shopping Show starting on Oct 4, Sundays at 5pm EST

Live Shopping is basically taking QVC n' putting it on the web.  In China, live shopping is already a $60 Billion business. In the US, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram n' Youtube have already started live streaming projects.  It be only beginning to grow in the US, but we pirates alway be on the cutting edge of taking in money.  

Instead of offering fake sales n' pressure cooking limited inventory to force viewers into buying product, we plan on selling by educating the viewer via interactive question n' answer sessions, showing off our products honestly n' allowing our customers to make informed purchases.

Click here to watch

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Pirate Sword Line featured in 2nd Live Stream Event


Last's weeks Live Shopping Event on Talk Like a Pirate Day when well, so Pirate Fashions be continuing the weekly live stream event on Saturday at 4PM EST .  Last week we featured how to dress a man as a pirate n' a lady as a pirate wench.  This week we will focus on our in house line of Pirate Swords n' Knifes for men.  For the ladies we will demonstrate how hike up yar skirt to give different looks to an outfit.  We will continue the most popular feature of letting customers ask question about any of the plunder we carry. Click here to watch, or ye be cursed!

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Talk Like a Pirate Live Shopping Event


On Saturday, Sept 19, 2020 at 4pm, Tiger Lee will host the very first Live Shopping Streaming Event at Pirate Fashions on its Facebook Page, click here to watch.  We will feature how to Dress Like a Pirate n' Wench, as well as a class on how to Talk Like a Pirate.  We will take request to look at any plunder you might be interested n' answer any question ye might be having.  Get the real in store experience while on-line.

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