Pirate News

Pirates N Their Weapons Talk at the Treasure Seekers Exhibit

Tampa Bay History Center just open the new Treasure Seekers Exhibit. They asked me to give a talk about Pirates and their Weapons for their Sangria and Stories series. 

Here be Tiger with some of the guest at the 1 hour talk about pirate weapons. Tiger dressed up and talked about blunderbuss, plug bayonets, flintlock pistols, boarding axes, and daggers. He covered how they were used and carried, as well as some of the myths.

They got to hold and examine each weapon and compare them to the antiques in the museum. If ye have been there, it be worth visiting, arrrrgh!

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Tiger Drinks Treasure Rum

I got to visit the Discover Sea Shipwrech Museum on Fenwick Island, DE last month. I meet Dale Clifton, a very lucky modern day adventurer n' director of this grand museum.

By the devils teeth, I gots me a swig of rum taken from bottle taken from a ship from the Spanish 1733 treasure fleet. This bottle be taken from a British Royal Navy Ship. The grog be bottled in 1730, n' lined with coconut fiber n' sugar cane, filled with145 proof rum to the neck of the bottle, then the neck be filled with water n' two table spoons of lime juice. After the rum be aged 281 years, it turns to a 186 proof, strong enough that it numb yar teeth to pull them out without feeling a thing. The most amazing rum ever, yarrrr!

What started out as a quick look around turned into 6 hours of education about treasure hunting from the land n' sea. If ye be on the mid-Altantic seaboard, then visit this fine museum. It's free to all treaure lovin' souls.



This be arrrr 16th issue of the Pirate Fashions Newsletter for Mar 2012. In transfer the old website to the new one, we had issues transferring the newsletter. So we be reposing the feature article into this blog instead of losing all the past newsletters.

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Sir Francis Drake's Sunken Fleet Found

Remains of the famed English sailor reportedly lie somewhere in Panama's Portobelo Bay, where an expedition backed by Pat Croce has identified four-century-old shipwreck remains as being from from Drake's 1596 fleet.

Drake was buried at sea, supposedly inside a lead coffin, to keep the Spaniards who hated him from finding the body. Drake's two ships, the "Elizabeth" (named after the queen who knighted Drake) and the "Delight" then were scuttled by their crews in Portobelo Bay.

Drake harassed Spanish shipping for decades and was the first English sailor to circumnavigate the globe. Burnt ships' timbers, believed to be from the Drake ships, were discovered earlier this month in Panama.



This be arrrr 15th issue of the Pirate Fashions Newsletter for Feb 2012. In transfer the old website to the new one, we had issues transferring the newsletter. So we be reposing the feature article into this blog instead of losing all the past newsletters.

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St Augustine Pirate & Treasure Museum Opens

The Pirate Soul Museum from Key West closed down n' move up here under the new name of Pat Croce's St Augustine Pirate & Treasure Museum. They be infront of the Castillo San Marco n' only one block away from my store. So make it a pirate vacation n' vist all the pirate destination in St Augustine: Pirate Ship, Hotel, Museum, Photo Studio and Store.


This be arrrr second issue of the Pirate Fashions Newsletter for Jan 2011 when we were still located in St Augustine, FL. In transfer the old website to the new one, we had issues transferring the newsletter. So we be reposing the feature article into this blog instead of losing all the past newsletters.

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