Review of Netfix's Pirate Series: One Piece

I have known about One Piece the manga series fer a long time, but could never get into it because the silly looking outfits of the main characters.
But since owning a pirate store, I must explore everything pirate, so I watched the Netflix series. I was a big anime fan before becoming a pirate. I have not read any of the 1000+ chapers of manga, nor warched tghe 1000+ episodes of anime,15 movies or any of the video games.
In the begining it seemed a bit dumb, but the more I watched the more I got connected with the characters. I love when a team gets pulled together. I did admire the captain's comitment to his krewe. Each epidsode introduced a new character and reveals their backstory. The production value was great, along with the acting. It be worth the watch fer Luffy n' the Staw Hat Pirates, if you don't take it too seriously.
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