Pirate News

Netflix's The Lost Pirate Kingdom Documentary Series

It's been slow fer pirate's lately, no pirate events or programs.  There be a bit of hope on the horizon with the new trailer about Netflix's pirate documentary, which be airing on March 16, 2021. It looks like a standard History Channel-like documentary, with dramatized re-enactments along with experts n' academics explaining the history.  I would rather they spend some doubloon on a high end pirate series instead, but it be better than an empty rum barrel. No idea about how many episodes this pirate series will be.

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Pirates of the Caribbean 5 Trailers

Well shiver me timbers, the first three trailers fer the next Pirates of the Caribbean Movies, Dead Men Tell No Tales have come out! 

The first one be the introduction of the new villain, Captain Salazar, played by Javier Bardem, as ghost pirate.  It sets up the start of the movie, but not what it’s about, plus there be no sight of Cap'n Jack Sparrow. Maybe Disney is still mad at John Depp fer bringin' that illegal monkey to Australia, as well as getting hurt and stopping productions fer a couple of months. 

The second trailer aired during the Super Bowl. This one you don’t see until the very end and he is completely covered with mud. We do get to see Captain Barbossa, Will Turner and the new heroine, played by Kaya Scodelario in the preview. It shows lots of tiny scenes, but still no overall story, other than lots of ghostly pirates.

I have no idea why they decided to set the trailer to Johnny Cash’s “Ain’t No Grave” song as the soundtrack to the trailer, it has a cowboy feel to it.  Why they didn’t use a Keith Richards song instead? I have no idea!

The third trailer came out on March 2nd, n’ it finally tells a bit of the story, instead of just a teaser that doesn’t say anything other than a movie is coming out. It tells the backstory of how he destroyed Captain Salazar n’ why he is after Jack n' all the other pirates. It shows a number o' interactions between Jack and the two new major characters, Henry, a stubborn young sailor n' Carina Smyth, a gifted astronomer. They help Jack find the legendary Trident of Poseidon to battle Captain Salazar.

What we believe to be the Official Spanish theatrical movie poster came out n’ I like it! We finally get a good view of some of the new outfits from the Movie! Jack n' Barbosa sport the same outfits as the last movie, but ye can see the two new character in standard period garb of the Golden Age. Captain Salazar is wearing a Napoleonic Era uniform, which be almost an entire century too early.

They say that this is supposed to be more like the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie with zombie pirates n' it will reboot the series. But I swear they said the same thing fer the last one as well! Maties, we can always hope fer the best n’ plan fer the worst!

POTC5 is due to be release on May 26, 2017 during Labor Day Weekend, so we will see the movie in 3 months time, arrrgh!

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The History of Port Royal

The History of Port Royal!

Contrary to what ye may have seen in Pirates of the Caribbean, Port Royal, Jamaica was a very hospitable town to Pirates. Being slightly more like what ye saw in the movie's Tortuga! It was fairly normal for port towns in the 17th Century n' very early 18th Century to welcome pirates for the simple reason that they had lots o' money to spend from their latest raid on a Spanish Treasure Fleet or Merchant Vessel.

From the Community's perspective the pirates were a driving force in Port Royal's economy, they would go ashore with a fortune n' spend most of their earnins on food, drink n' luxury goods. In the 1660's there was One Drinking House per Ten 10 Residents because of the effect the sailors had. Barter n' Trade was still fairly normal in this time period among common folk, but allegedly Port Royal ran on the exchange of coinage it had done so well.

The pirates enjoyed Port Royal because it was strategically placed along multiple trading routes they could prey on. As long as they paid their dues to the local governors they also had a safe haven to fall back to, early British Governors would welcome successful pirate crews personally. Pirates could even compose the local garrison to defend the town against attacks. It was such a famous town among pirates that they would travel from as far as Madagascar to enjoy what had become the "Sodom of the New World."

Port Royal itself was ravaged by an earthquake in 1692, n' most of the region's economic activity was moved to nearby Kingston, Jamaica. Soon thereafter the British cracked down on piracy n' made the settlement the primary location to hang n' execute unsanctioned pirates! http://bit.ly/2mUb2aE

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Pirate Fashions, Black Powder Weapons in Black Sails

On severaloccasions, Pirate Fashions has had the privilege of providin' firearms for several period piece shows. Recently the final season of Black Sails premiered on Starz n' yemaybe surprised that ye could find several o' the firearms seen on the show inarrr own hoard o' goods!

Captain Flint's own signature pistol be a Scottish Dag (or all steel pistol,) specifically a Murdoch Highland that appeared in the early 17th Century n' was found to be in use until the early 19th Century. Itbe a very realistic firearm to have on the show!

They were usually made with metal stocks. This made'em an ideal weapon in the rainy Scottish Highlands or on the rugged seas in the hands o' pirates, when a wooden grip could quickly rot away. To avoid rust, the weapon would have to be oiled n' cleaned on a fairly regular basis. Believe itarrr not, Pirates appreciated Order and Cleanliness! 

Arrr French Sea Service pistols were also Guests on the Show! They were issued to the French Navy in 1763 well after the events in Black Sails, but ye cannot deny that they were good looking pistols! 18th Century British and American soldiers n' private citizens appreciated them as well.

The French Holster Pistol was another guest n' it was also a period appropriate weapon! They first began to appear between 1675 n' 1700 in the hands o' Frenchmen across the seas. Though they were a common Pirate Pistol as well!

There be many details to these stories of how these Pirate Fashions pistols (n' other weapons as well) came to be featured in such a widely renowned piece of pirate media. But we couldn't tellye thedetails, unless we made ye walk the plank! Browse the Pirate Fashions Website n' see where elsearrr weapons have been featured! http://bit.ly/2jRYHRJ

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Black Sails Season 3

Well Black Sails has finished it's 3rd season n' be signed up fer another voyage.  Overall I have enjoyed the entire series, but I really think it has hit its strive this season.  They are finally battling the British instead of themselves.  They added some new characters such as Black Beard n' Woods Rogers.  They showcase run away slaves as a community of maroon, that is based on a real live woman called Queen Nanny, who lead a resistance group in Jamaica, that the English could not subdue.  I like that Long John Silver has stopped being a wimp, n' has stepped up to stronger leader.  The interaction between Charles Vane and Edward Teach proved to be quite interesting.  Black Sail be an interesting blend of fictional characters from Treasure Island, such as Billy Bones, Long John Silver n' Captain Flint with real live characters such Calico Jack Rackham, Hornigold, Anne Bonnie, Woods Rogers n' Black Beard.  There be a lot less sex this season, but the store line is so much better, arrrrrgh!

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