Pirate News

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

One of the most popular game series be going on the account. Ubisoft will be releasing its 6th installment in the Assassin's Creed series on Oct 29, 2013. This be a game fer the Playstation 3 & 4, Wii U, Xbox 360 and One, as well as a Microsoft Windows version.

The game will feature three main cities; Havana, Kingston n' Nassau. The main charater will be Captain Jackdaw who will encounter real life pirates such as: Blackbeard, Anne Bonny, Jack Rackham n' Charles Vane.

The games action will include ship to ship battles n' boarding actions, as well as underwater action in addition to the standard long range and close combat assassinations. So if ye be a pirate n' a gamer, this be a dream. I have never been a gamer, but I can't wait to try this one out, arrrrrgh! To view the many trailer fer Assassin'g Creed IV Black Flag.



This be arrrr 34th issue of the Pirate Fashions Newsletter for Sep 2013. In transfer the old website to the new one, we had issues transferring the newsletter. So we be reposing the feature article into this blog instead of losing all the past newsletters.

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