Pirate News

Selling Black Powder Firearms No More!

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Here be arrrr declaration that Pirate Fashions will no longer be selling Black Powder Firearms after we unload the last few weapons left in the armoury. So, if ye have always wanted one, now is the time to pull the trigger.


There be a number of reasons fer this important decision, but our two most pressing reasons be:
1) The husiness insurance cost for selling weapons has skyrocketed lately. Black powder weapons arrrrr the most expensive item we sell, but it has the lowest margin of all the items we sell.
2) As Tiger set out on another venture, he decided to simplify the day-to-day business operation so that the staff can run Pirate Fashions more efficiently. Black powder weapons with a warrantee require the most amount of support for the item with the least amount of profit n' at the end of the day, Tiger n' his gunsmith arrr the most proficient when it comes to
answering many of the question regaurding the Black Powder Weapons. We do not wish to sell pistols without proficient support available post-sale.

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Pirate Fashions adds Pirate Ship to the Store!!!

After two year without a mast, we have decided to add a little decor to arrrr facilities with the front of a Pirate Sloop.  We picked the decoration from one of arrr best customer who be going on the account by moving from Tampa Bay to live aboard a ship year around to travel the new world. Drop by and take a look the new cash register area.  This prop is all wood construction with nothing made of fiberglass or foam. This be arrr new cash register area from where we greet all our incoming customers from.

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