Pirate News

Pirates Pack the Park

On Sept 21, 2013 the Mariner's Museum in Newport New, VA put on the Pirates Pack the Park event to try to break the Guinness World Record fer the largest pirate gathering. About 15,000 attended the event, but less than half showed up in pirate garb.

To qualify as a pirate, ye had to wear striped or white pirate shirt, pirate pants, headgear such as hat or bandana, along with an accessory item such as a eye patch, sword, parrot. I be expectin' some big photo op fer the event, but none was annouced. So I spent all day vending at the Pirate Fashions booth. I'm not sure how they figured out the count.

The final tally was 6,759 pirates, which be less than half of what was needed to wrestle the honor from the Town of Hastings, on Belham Beach, East Sussex, United Kingdom , only 22 July 2012, which holds the record of 14,231.

Fer a first time event, they did break the previous American record of 2007 & 2009, as well has the first Hasting record, set in 2010. I'm sure that the Mariner's Museum will try again next year.



This be arrrr 35th issue of the Pirate Fashions Newsletter for Oct 2013. In transfer the old website to the new one, we had issues transferring the newsletter. So we be reposing the feature article into this blog instead of losing all the past newsletters.

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Pirates in the Land of the Rising Sun

My first customer from Japan placed an order, so I asked him a question about Pirates in Japan. Here be what he told me:

Matthew Green, who be called Captain Calico Mattias, after being crowned captain fer 6 years, he and a group of friends started going to all the bars in Perth during International Talk Like a Pirate Day dressed as pirates.  The best-dressed pirate be named Captain.  In 2010 he moved to Japan only to experience the worst ever ITLAPD.  Last year he connected with an organizer to hold a 3 hour Tokyo Bay cruise on ITLAPD, which 180 maties attended. 

This year Captain Calico Mattias organized afacebook page fer the event. They started the evening in the harbor as the crew gathered, much to the interest of onlookers. Spirits be high n’ there be a lot of great costumes. They brought a large chest full of props to wave about. Most of his time be occupied with people wanting photos, which sadly cut into his ability to take advantage of the all-you-can-drink grog. Probably my fondest memory of the night, he said, was singing 15 Men on a Dead Man's Chest.

The popularity of pirates in Japan has probably spiked in recent years with the Pirates of the Caribbean films. As with Perth "Jack Sparrow" has become synonymous with "pirate". The Japanese are very receptive to the idea of pirates n’ the fun that comes with them. While it is still in its infancy, Captain Calico Mattias thinks there be a promising future fer things like Talk Like a Pirate Day in Japan.




HMS Bounty Sinks

I have been aboard the 120 foot tallship build in 1960 fer the MGM movie "Mutiny on the Bounty", as you may have seen if ye looks at some of my calendars. The Bounty has been a fixture at many a pirate festivals n' all us in the pyrate community will surely misse her, even though she be a king's ship.

On Oct 29, 2012 the 16 members of the Bounty abandoned shipp off the coast of North Caroline after getting caught in the high 18 foot waves of Hurrican Sandy, which staled her engines. 42 year old Claudene Christian was drowned n' 63 year old Captain Robin Walbridge be still missing. The rest of the krew be rescued by the Coast Guard. Arelief fund fer the family n' krewe of the bounty has been establish.



This be arrrr 24th issue of the Pirate Fashions Newsletter for Nov 2012. In transfer the old website to the new one, we had issues transferring the newsletter. So we be reposing the feature article into this blog instead of losing all the past newsletters.

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Talk Like a Pyrate Pub Crawl

International Talk Like a Pirate Day be created in 1995 by me bucko's Ol' Chumbucket n' Cap'n Slappy, who proclaimed Sept 19 of each year as the day when everyone in the world should talk like a pirate.

There be no cost to this pub crawl other than what ye buy fer food n' drink. We will stop at 3 local pubs, were we will pay grams, sing a sea shanty, tell some bad pirate jokes n' even engage in a pirate duel.

We put on two pub crawls a year just to have some fun with me good mates. Must come in pirate garb. Talk Like A Pyrate Pub Crawl on Friday, Sept 21, 2012, just meet up at Pirate Fashion located on 26 Cuna Street, St Augustine, FL 32084 at 6pm, yarrrrrgh!

Stay the weekend n' attend the Mariners Ball on Saturday.



This be arrrr 22th issue of the Pirate Fashions Newsletter for Sep 2012. In transfer the old website to the new one, we had issues transferring the newsletter. So we be reposing the feature article into this blog instead of losing all the past newsletters.

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Pirates of Savannah Author

In my travels of various Pirate Festival n' events, I be meeting many interesting characters. I met with Tarrin P. Lupo n' his co-author wench, Ruby Nicole Hilliard. Tarrin be best known fer being the author of "Pirates of Savannah". He has published 13 Books n' currently resides in Savannah Georgia and is a member of the Free State Project.  They try to write fun adventure novels crammed packed with real history. It be nice to see a pirate book not set in the Caribbean, the story occur's in George and Florida. Ye may read the first few chapters here for free as a special bonus to my mates.


This be arrrr 20th issue of the Pirate Fashions Newsletter for Jul 2012. In transfer the old website to the new one, we had issues transferring the newsletter. So we be reposing the feature article into this blog instead of losing all the past newsletters.

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Talk Like a Pyrate Day Weekend

Avast all ye pyrate loving souls. Come to the oldest city in the USA to celebrate the best “Talk Like a Pirate Day” weekend. Spend an entire weekend dressed in pirate garb walking down historic cobblestone roads next to Spanish Fortresses built to keep the pirate’s out. Learn to talk, fight n’ drink like a pirate, arrrrrgh!

Friday: Tour of Colonial Spanish Quarter, Tour of Castillo de San Marcos, and Brethern Pub Crawl

Saturday: Fact vs Fiction of Pirate Boarding Actions, Guided Tour of St Augustine Piraet & Treasure Museum, Hot Pirate Calendar Release Party

Sunday: Hand's On Seminar of Cutlass Boarding Action

Featuring the world famous Naked Cowboy from Time Square dressed at a Pirate singing Sea Shanties at arrrr hot event only!

Check out the video at:
Talk Like a Pyrate Day Weekend

Instead of tryin' to waterdown the event by makin' it as cheap as possible like a landlubber would, we believe with all arrrr heart that life be too short to put on bad party, so we strive to be puttin' on the most unique n' fun events possible, even if it cost a wee bit little extra.

Calendar Release Party be only $45
Entire Weekend Tickets be only $120



This be arrrr 10th issue of the Pirate Fashions Newsletter for Sep 2011. In transfer the old website to the new one, we had issues transferring the newsletter. So we be reposing the feature article into this blog instead of losing all the past newsletters.


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Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides


May 20 be the date when POTC4 be landin' at a theather near yar shores. Ye can watch themovie trailer, this one be about Blackbeard, his daughter n' the Fountain of Youth, which be about one mile from my shop in St Augustine, but Disney decided to shoot it in Hawaii instead.


Gasparilla Pirate Festival be the largest pirate event with over 400,000 attendin! It celebrates the apocryphal legend of Jose Gaspar, supposedly a Spanish pirate captain who operated in around Tampa, Florida. I be takin' thee formal group portraits of four scurvy krewes.


This be arrrr 3rd issue of the Pirate Fashions Newsletter for Feb 2011 when we were still located in St Augustine, FL. In transfer the old website to the new one, we had issues transferring the newsletter. So we be reposing the feature article into this blog instead of losing all the past newsletters.

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