Pirate News

Netflix's The Lost Pirate Kingdom Documentary Series

It's been slow fer pirate's lately, no pirate events or programs.  There be a bit of hope on the horizon with the new trailer about Netflix's pirate documentary, which be airing on March 16, 2021. It looks like a standard History Channel-like documentary, with dramatized re-enactments along with experts n' academics explaining the history.  I would rather they spend some doubloon on a high end pirate series instead, but it be better than an empty rum barrel. No idea about how many episodes this pirate series will be.

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Green be the Color of March

March be green month due to St Patty's Day. Saint Patrick be the patron saint of Ireland. He brought the Christian trinity through the use of the 3 leaf Irish clover, the shamrock.This be arrr grand collection of pirate garb in emerald green, forrest green, olive green n' kelly green.  

Green be the color of new life and the color of rebirth as week as decay n' jealousy. There be many a pirate from Ireland n' the Scottish Highlands, which may have worn kilts during special occasions in addition to regular sailor garb.  But there be more than green garb than just kilts!

Originally green dyes be made of fern, nettle juice or leeks, but in the 16th century they started mixing blue and yellow pigment to get green dye. As you can see we have a boat load of pirate n' wench garb in green to make a costume of all green or with green accents. View the Green Collection.

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Gasparilla Cancellation effect local business

On Feb 16, the YMKG announced that 2021 Gasparilla be canceled due to the pandemic, Spectrum News  Channel 9 reporter, Trevor Pettiford boarded Pirate Fashions to see how it would be effecting this small local business.  He quoted be as saying "It's like swimming in the ocean with a hook and peg leg. And then, now this new announcement, it's like adding a an anchor on."Support this local business with home decor of a Pirate Sign.

View the article on the Channel 9 website

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Pirate Colour Series Continues with Red

You can have a splash of red or cover an entire pirate outfit of red at Pirate Fashions. Here be arrr huge collection of pirate n' wench garb in jolly, bloody n' crimson red. Other than black, red be the most popular color for harlots n' buccaneers.  Since antiquity, red has been the symbol of life n' passion.  Red cloth has been very expensive to dye, that be why it symbolizes wealth n'power. The dye is made of cochineal, an insect which feeds on opuntia, a prickly pear cactus plant. The Spanish imported it from South America starting in the 14th century.  King Louis loved the color so much he had his heels painted red, which started a fashion statement over all the courts in Europe. If ye looking to dress as Dead Red, Redd the Lady Pirate, or the Scarlet Pirate, we can help. View the Red Collection.

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Interview with Ch 8 about Dressing Swashbucklers for Super Bowl Sunday


This morning Daisy Ruth of News Channel 8 came to interview Tiger Lee of Pirate Fashions about how Tampa Bay Bucs fans arrr dressing up in the Crimson Red n' Pewter Gray buccaneers outfits for Super Bowl 55.  We had to transform her from a news reporter into a lusty buccaneer wench, might fine she be looking!  Watch the Yarrr fer the Bucs, Wear a Pirate Outfit chant on this news segment.

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Super Bowl 55 interview from Spectrum News


With all the excitement surrounding this years Super Bowl, Spectrum News  Channel 9 reporter, Alese Underwood boarded Pirate Fashions to see what be happening in Drew Park.  Once we dressed yer up in a Crimson Red n' Pewter Group Lady Buccaneer Outfit, she understood the magic of 115 years of Gasparilla spirit. She took a look how we make leather products, tricorne hats and sew pirate garments.  To see the Bay Area Costume Designer Sailing Along Thanks to Super Bowl interview, click below! There be a second video at the bottom of the page to watch as well.

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Pirate Color Series Begins!

Hoist yar Colours! Pirates wore whatever they darn well pleased n' so can you.  Arrr line of pirate garb comes in a rainbow of different colors n' shades.  Each month we will feature a different color, with the first being the color of the sea n' sky.

We offer many different shades of blue such as royal blue, navy blue, tortuga blue, n' sky blue. Our Women's collection includes various styles and pieces needed for a complete outfit, like blouses, corsets, skirts, pants, hats, bandanas, hip scarves n' jewelry, all available in a lovely shade of azul.  Our Men's collection be just as expansive, there be plenty of shirts, coats, waistcoats, breeches, sashes, bandanas, hats n' socks that come in the color of the ocean.

The color blue be a rather flexible color, as it represents stability n' reliability as well as calmness or serenity, but could go the way of  'feeling blue', n' can reflect a more sad n' gloomy disposition. Europe started to import the Indigo dye in the 15th century from India. Blue became fashionable in the royal courts in the 17th century, then in the 18th century it became the most popular color for military unitforms.  Blue be also the color of France.


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Red N Gray Pirate Outfit for Tampa Football Fans

As talked about in the Channel 8 interview, Pirate Fashions be introducing an entire line of Red N Gray Pirate costumes for both mates n' wenches. Show yar support of arrrr fine Buccaneers who arrrr winning a lot more games now that a Patriot has turncoat to become a Pirate, yarrrr!  We have a wide range of outfits from affordable to over the top pirate garb in the Crimson n' Pewter colours of Tampa Bay' favorite Football Team.  These outfits make great Christmas Presents to Bucs Fans. We arrr only a few blocks north of Raymond James Stadium.

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How Business arrr effected by Gasparilla delayed!

Due to the Black Plague of Covid19, Ye Mystic Krewe of Gasparilla n' EventFest made an Announcement today, Monday, Nov 23 at 3pm, to push back the Children's and Day Parade from January to April 10th and 17th.  Mardi Gras have not cancelled the event, but did cancelled all the parades. 

Channel 8 News called me today to do an interview about How local businesses will be effected by the postponement of Gasparilla. Melanie Michael dropped by the store for an interview. She had never been to the store n' stayed a lot longer than necessary. We got into the discussion about arrr Line of Red n' Gray Pirate Outfits if the Tampa Bucs goe to the Super Bowl.  Here be a link for Plague Survivor shirts.


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Pirate Business During the Plague

9 months ago I be planning on building a mini pirate theme center that included a pirate restaurant, bar, hotel, game center, n' store. I hired a feasibility consultant n' be ready to put a bid on some land next to the water.  

Niche pirate business' be based on folks buying quality pirate clothing.  People only buy pirate clothing if they have an event to wear it to, so what happens to a business when there are no longer any events to go to?  Pirate clothing be not an essential business, but we survived April by making plague mask, though it only took two months before that market was saturated by China n' every other business on the entire 7 seas.  

I promised my staff that I would not make any of them walk the plank, which was easy to do when we thought the plague would be over by summer.  Now that we're beyond twice that in time n' it be looking like this plague may not end until next fall, it be a lot harder to keep that promise! 

I started building an 8 foot pirate ship as hobby project during the slow plague season n' I found I like building boats, as any old sea dog would.  Making commercial boats be much more difficult than making pirate clothing, n' so I found a partner with experience in making boats.  I have since spent the entire summer building out arrrr space so we can make boats.  We also just spend 4 days learning to build production boats from a master boat builder.  There be tons of problems that must be solved in order for us to get this product to market.  

In the meantime, I continued to watch arrr business get smaller and smaller, n' I had to do something that didn't cost a lot of money. On Talk Like a Pirate Day, I started a live shopping program called the Pirate Plunder Show, which be a 45-60 minute live show on Facebook every Sunday at 5 pm EST. I was a professional photographer who be much more comfortable behind the camera, instead of in front of it, but a captain must do what he can to keep his ship afloat. 

I am continuing to create new designs, as a fashion business must alway have new products. 3 months ago I placed orders with arrrr factories in India for products we will need 3 months from now, but I remain unsure if the largest pirate event of the year, Gasparilla, will occur next year.  If it doesn't, we may be sunk. If it does happen, will it be 25%, 50%, or 75% of normal?  If I guess wrong we may also be sunk. A pirate's lifebe an adventure, which be rarely predictable.

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